Friday, August 28, 2009

Red Hat Enterprise MRG at the Red Hat Summit

Next week is the Red Hat Summit in Chicago.  We'll be featuring Red Hat Enterprise MRG there prominently:

I'll be at the Summit presenting the cloud computing and MRG update sessions.  I hope to see you there!

(The direct links to the sessions at the summit web site don't load that well due to the fancy javascript on that site.  You can go to and find the tracks manually to get a much better view of the info)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Easy Way to Install TweetDeck on Linux and Work Around Error #5100

I tried installing TweetDeck on my Fedora Linux laptop and ran into an Error #5100.  I did a Google search, and it turns out that many other people have run into this error and solved it by doing things like downloading Adobe AIR and TweetDeck, and installing these files manually as root.

I found a much easier way: run FireFox (or whatever browser you use) as root, go to, and click the "Download Now" link.  Everything works!

Update:  according to smmehadi at Adobe, installing xterm first is the truly easy and recommended way to solve this issue.